Counselling Services

The Self.
This is your Journey.

Are you open to experiment and consider ultimate possibilities?

Are you looking for something different; something that may meet your needs beyond traditional talk-therapy?​

Do you want to learn more about where some of your behaviours may be coming from; seeking to fully heal rather than treating only what is presenting on the surface?​

Read on...

The services I offer may be suitable if you are interested in truly getting to know yourself; a deep exploration of your inner being.

Hours of operation are as follows:

Tuesday – Thursday, 10am – 6pm

Life can be hard. Sometimes we face challenges or adversities that disrupt what we know and leave us feeling lost with what to do.  Individual counselling can offer a space in which you may begin an exploration of self; honing in to identify the key processes that may guide you along a path toward healing.

Life can be hard and challenges often intensify when we feel as though we’re going at it alone. One of our most basic needs as human beings is an experience of connection to others. Even if you have supportive people in your life, sometimes it may seem like they just don’t understand what you’re going through. This is why healing within a group counselling setting, where members are connected by theme, can be so helpful. Click here to find out more information about the groups you can expect to see this year.

While counselling for youth may involve similar therapeutic approaches to those used with adults, the ways in which the process is guided may differ according to an individual’s age, developmental stage, personal goals, and needs. I believe it is important to recognize the youth’s unique qualities and strengths, meeting them where they’re at, so the two of us may collaboratively determine strategies that will work best for their life. This concept is rooted in what’s called a person-centered approach to counselling.

Currently, in response to public health recommendations surrounding COVID-19, counselling appointments are limited to occur via secure video and tele-counselling platforms. This form of connection will continue to be offered as a service following the lift of restrictions, to ensure accessibility for those who either need or desire remote counselling.

Payment Information

$150 + gst – Individual 50-minute counselling session 

$220 + gst – Individual 75-minute counselling session 

Fees for group counselling vary according to the content, duration, and applications of treatment.  For more information click HERE.

Payment is due at the start of each session and may be paid by cash, check, or e-transfer.

A limited number of clients are accepted on a sliding fee scale, according to financial need. If a client believes they may be eligible, they may speak with the counsellor directly to discuss a subsidized rate for service.

Some extended benefit providers will provide full or partial coverage for counselling services and clients are encouraged to reviews their plans prior to the start of counselling.

While I will make every attempt to respond to inquiries within 24 hours, communication is limited to occur within the designated working hours. If you require immediate service, please consult the emergency contacts listed under Resources.

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